Learn a Rad New Skill in No Time with These Online Courses

Learn a Rad New Skill in No Time with These Online Courses

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The Internet is both a magical and a terrifying place. You can experience the entire spectrum of human emotion with about five minutes on Twitter. We wouldn't recommend doing that, though. A better use of your Internet time may be learning a new skill or skills. Fortunately, we've collected some online courses that you may like! Check them out.

The Green Thumb Gardening Bundle

MSRP: $1,194

Sale Price: $19.99

So you keep killing plants, huh? Stop doing that! This bundle will teach you how to take care of specific plants and even clue you in on some cool plant design secrets. Did you even know plant design was a thing? Get ready to impress all your mom's friends.

Ableton Music Production Mastery Bundle

MSRP: $1,393

Sale Price: $29

Ableton is one of the top Digital Audio Workstations on the market, and in this bundle, you'll learn how to create music from scratch using it. The only thing you'll need to decide is your nonsense DJ name.

The Learn to Play the Piano & Music Composition Bundle

MSRP: $740

Sale Price: $34.95

You don't have to go into some creepy music store to learn the piano. You can learn online, on your own time, in your own smells with these courses.

The Complete Guitar Master Class Bundle

MSRP: $1,393

Sale Price: $29.99

Same thing with the guitar. No need to work with some bearded dude who hasn't showered since the '70s and insists on making you only play Buffalo Springfield. Just learn online.

The Complete Unity Game Developer Bundle

MSRP: $1,399

Sale Price: $39

Eyes gone bloody from playing too many video games? Take a break and learn how to actually build them from scratch instead. Much better for your eyes (not to mention your wallet, if you get good enough. We believe in you).

Pencil Kings Ultimate Character Drawing & Design Course Bundle

MSRP: $180

Sale Price: $34.99

Learning to draw used to be difficult and expensive. You had to go to a fancy school and let some haughty jerk emotionally and maybe physically whip you into shape. This more affordable alternative introduces you to professional artists and gives you hands-on instruction in their techniques, no whipping of any kind required. We're just now realizing that might not have been a real art school.

VidToon Personal Plan: Lifetime Subscription

MSRP: $4,020

Sale Price: $39

You don't even have to actually learn animation to use VidToon. This drag-and-drop builder makes creating fun animated videos as easy as clicking through YouTube, looking at other people's fun animated videos. Get them views, dog (ideally with some cartoon dogs).

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