

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
Edgar Allan Poe.


Wicked ways. Wrong troughts. Life. Combined these and you are supposed to have chaos.

But what is chaos?

From my point of view, chaos is nothing but a prelude. Wich such a bizarre result that we can make never-ending tales, list and list of all those things that scapes the eye... and amazes us.

I'm not from a very conventional land. Durango is one of those places that have been forsaken... oblivious of the hand of god, at such a point nothing is functional. But it has created marvels on my mind. Marvels that split from my own hand, painting pixel words as my fingerprints plays through the keyboard, on a metronome rhythm, lyric by lyric, functioning as a crisalid orchesta.

Such strange toughts to describe one freelancer...

Or comedian, as you like.

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