22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work

Nobody had better be touching our yogurt.
22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work

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Even if you like the people you work with (and that's a big "if"), the fact that you're working together to meet a goal on a structured timeline makes work a stressful, volatile environment. And because of that, people are constantly getting into dumb arguments. So here are the stupidest, most inconsequential arguments our readers have actually witnessed at their places of business.

Two co-workers argued for days whether a decorative ashtray in our non-smoking office is a provocation for smokers or non-smokers... until, finally a
22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work
One of my CO-workers complained to another that she worked too hard and it made the rest of us look bad. The argument later turned into an exchange of
At the apple orchard, we used to argue about which types of apples made the best cider. It didn't matter. We used whichever apples were too bruised to
CAUTION I once worked with a woman who used to fight with my boss, insisting that the French press in the break room was single use. I had to save it
22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work
The owner of the factory where I work threw a chair at a salesman LES ME Because the opening lines of his email were presumptuous CRACKED COM
Two co-workers of mine got into a ridiculous argument over the exact meaning of random drug testing. One argued that it couldn't possibly be random
CRACKEDcO FIFO First In First Out 3 2 1 STORAGE I once listened to a 5-minute argument about rotating tape on a first in, first out basis, like restau
Two of my fellow writers were arguing whether tO put an Oxford comma in the sentence I COnstructed. GRRRRR It's the most annoying every-thing-you-say
22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work
A cO-worker claimed a bean bag chair as her own. She allowed other people to sit on it but would sternly ask them to leave whenever she needed it. A
CRACKED 1I M LM U A young man I worked with spent an entire morning defending his right to bring in a wall calendar with a photo of him rock- climbing
Inbox - Microsoft Outlook CRACKED COM File Ma nd Sub Fave eceive lon 5/ Mai ri 5/2/ on Ved Je 3/11 ue 3/11 ed While they were training an Mon employee
22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work
CRACKEDCONN Students having fundraising bake a sale had put a cake in the middle of a table in the teachers' office, and every time a teacher pushed t
22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work
22 Ridiculous Arguments You've Actually Heard At Work
Two of my coworkers argued about which food would be worse to microwave in the office. 0:00 They decided to settle it the next day by actually testing
I was working as a floor manager on the day my restaurant's new uniforms came in. Having never had buttons on their work shirts, this started an inten
I once overheard a 30-minute argument between two English teachers on whether they should use the word 'movie' or 'film' in one of their test question
When I was an office manager I decided to start color coding paperwork to make things easier... red orange blue purple Then watched management-level c
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