21 Statistics That Prove the Past Was Shockingly Different

21 Statistics That Prove the Past Was Shockingly Different

When you put time on a grand scale, it would appear that change is something that takes a very long time to happen. But take a quick snap of any given era, and you'll quickly see how that really isn't the case.

With the help of timecop Auntiememe, we've put together some snapshots from history that show how quickly surprising changes can happen.

Entry by AM Smiley

We're spending half as much time searching for porn. 8 In 1998, 20% of searches on the Internet were for porn. By 2008, that number had dropped to 10%

Entry by AM Smiley

The richest I6o, 000 families in America now own as much as the poorest I 145 million families. 30% 25% 20% we3 O 15% 83 t 10% total of % CR N & 1o 19

Entry by AM Smiley

Since the ' 7OS, the high school dropout rate has been cut in half. The dropout rate in 1970 was 14.6%. 4 In 2014, the rate was 7.1%. Percent of US jo

Entry by AM Smiley

Birth rates in the U.S. are the lowest they've been since we started keeping track. Fqure Trendsin thasr 000 women ages 15-44): SCC Ye8r950-2013 150 1

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