19 Commonly-Held Beliefs, Debunked With Statistics

19 Commonly-Held Beliefs, Debunked With Statistics

You would think that commonly-stated facts earned that status because, you know, they're valid statements backed by proven data. But, as with many things we tend to accept wholesale, it turns out many of these "facts" are pretty much bullshit.

(Shout out to Dwayne Hoover for the contest suggestion. Celebrate by eating all the cake you desire.)

Entry by pundemic

THINK YOUR FORGETFUL PAL HAS GOLDFISH MEMORY? 5F 10 50 15 45 20 40 35 25 O0 30 THINK AGAIN. Contrary to popular belief, that goldfish have a three sec

Entry by AmyB8484

19 Commonly-Held Beliefs, Debunked With Statistics


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