Widespread Stories Legitimate News Sites Got Totally Wrong

The truth is in here somewhere.
Widespread Stories Legitimate News Sites Got Totally Wrong

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The news is like an onion, and not just because it stinks. It starts out completely buried in dirt, and you have to peel away a shitload of useless layers to get to anything worth keeping. Fortunately, our readers are here to excavate recent news stories for you, and scrape off all the layers of garbage to find the facts.

After an attack on a Quebec mosque earlier this year, Fox News tweeted an update stating that the suspect was of Moroccan origin. V/FOX Fox News Follo
- STOP THE FAGS gettyimages Potoatirin DI Mar In August 2017, in the midst of Australia's debate on same-sex marriage, an image of a homophobic poster
Based on his registration, many major news outlets reported that Jared Kushner voted as a woman. you will be 18 by the end of the ye Suffix Middle Ini
Fox News warned of an Antifa apocalypse on November 4, 2017, when the left would organize en masse and attempt to overthrow Trump. dirates ESS MILIC
In January the Washington Post published an article titled The State Department's entire senior management team just resigned with the implication t
In January. Fox News addressed a report from The Hill that James Comey had leaked top secret information to the New York Times and the segment they
The Independent reported that the British Parliament voted against animal sentience, claiming that animals were incapable of feeling pain and emotions
FOX US Wardd Dolnion olies ftetmmt Lifetyle Bado NEWS CAN oth Self-driving shuttle crashes in Las Vegas hours after launch INDIA RTC JLIS K60LS HERE F
The Guardian repeated a NY Post story about Newsweek distributing copies of their magazine with Madam President on the cover. However, the truth is
Widespread Stories Legitimate News Sites Got Totally Wrong
CRACKEDCONM Several news stories were published about Poland's First Lady Agata Kornhauser- -Duda's refusal to shake President Trump's hand in July 20
Despite an official statement from the weapon's manufacturer that they did not possess weapon with such a capabilities, Fox News published a sensation
According to a confidential source, the Washington Post reported that Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein had threatened to quit due to concerns surroundin
In June 2017, outlets including The Independent reported on a breatharian couple who claimed they've had almost no food or water for nine years. It
The Washington Post ran a story that an American electricity grid had been hacked by the Russians. VIRUS Al FRTI The story stated that Russian hackers
Newsweek stated that MARILOU DANLEY, girlfriend of Las Vegas mass killer Stephen Paddock, was a Social Security fraud and a bigamist. The magazine pub
The Hill ran this headline, quoting Paul Ryan in a way that sparked public outrage. THE The Hill LLLLI @thehill Ryan: Puerto Rico needs to get back o
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